Moving while pregnant
Pregnancy is a journey, and we are here to support you through it every step (and stretch) of the way.
Good Moves is a safe space for pregnant people to move, stay active and keep healthy throughout their pregnancy.
Our teachers are all expertly trained to help you navigate any modifications you might need and are all informed with evidence-based, up-to-date Australian Guidelines.
Staying active during pregnancy has many benefits for the health of both mum and bub, including:
regular physical activity/exercise during pregnancy maintains or improves cardiorespiratory fitness
preparing for labour and recovery
lower risk of gestational diabetes
less back and pelvic pain
lower risk of incontinence
better mental health, including a lower risk of postnatal depression.
physical activity/exercise during pregnancy protects against unplanned caesarean section, and may reduce the risk of instrumental delivery.
At Good Moves, we follow the evidence and up-to-date Australian Guidelines around physical activity for pregnant women. Read the guidelines here.
Client Testimonials on Pregnancy / Postnatal Pilates
The Physical Activity Guidelines for Pregnant Women recommends 2.5 to 5 hours of moderate intensity physical activity over the course of a week. Plus, muscle strengthening activities at least 2 days each week, aiming to do strengthening activities, such as light resistance training or bodyweight exercises.
Only 30% of women meet the minimum level of exercise recommended by the national physical activity guideline for moderate-vigorous physical activity. Doing any physical activity is better than doing none. If you do no physical activity right now, start by doing some, then slowly build up to the recommended amount.
The amount of exercise you do each week while pregnant should be guided by how well you are feeling and is likely to change over the course of your pregnancy.
According to the Physical Activity Guidelines, Women who are healthy and already active do not need to seek medical clearance for physical activity/exercise during pregnancy.
Always listen to your body and if something doesn’t feel right during or after exercise, we advise to always seek advice from a qualified medical practitioner.
All classes are suitable up to 20 weeks.
Post 20-weeks, Reformer Strength, Total and Stretch are all suitable.
Modifications to physical activity/exercise may be required to accommodate the physical changes that occur as the pregnancy progresses. If there are any concerns with how you are feeling, we advise seeking advice from a qualified health professional.
As your pregnancy progresses and your body changes, you might have to modify your physical activity. Avoid any activity that:
has a high risk of falling or collision
requires heavy lifting
has significant changes in pressure (such as sky diving or scuba diving)
Avoid standing still for long periods of time, or lying flat on your back after 28 weeks.
gives you pain or discomfort.
To exercise safely:
stay well hydrated
avoid exercising in hot weather, especially in high humidity
avoid standing still or lying down for long periods
avoid physical activity at high altitude (above 2,000 metres)
always wear appropriate shoes, non-restrictive clothing and a supportive bra.
Some stretches may need to be modified from 28 weeks.